Saturday, February 6, 2016

Which Essential oils help me with (fill in the blank symptom)

I've been guilty.  In the education process of learning about essential oils,  I have discovered that essential oils are NOT medications...MEANING...  I should not be taking essential oils JUST to relieve a symptom!  ok...  Im still sort of guilty with that..I mean yes,  ache here, cramp there...where is my deep relief?!  HOWEVER,  I get it...  the MAIN purpose of essential oils in my life and my families life is ....  wait for it....  so our bodies do what they are supposed to do ( to STAY Healthy).  This is different then why I started with essential oils in the first place!  My son needed help...and Essential oils delivered...yet, so much more. And thats ok! It helped him short term...however...It was not only a quick fix to his was a immune system megabomb!!!  Just what he needed for LONG TERM TOO!!!!  
THAT was my aha
What does medication do?  What do Essential oils do? 
Medication is temporary and we don’t want to have to use it for an extended period of time.  It is not working on healing....  So we should not look at essential oils as the same as medication...and tell people they can fix every symptom known to man with a drop of essential oil...because honestly
we know that essential oils support the body but each person is unique with the specifics.  I do know that essential oils will ALWAYS help and support but it is not as easy as me saying take this for that…and Ill just tick you off if I tell you what worked for me and it doesnt work exactly like that for you..  I much rather tell you how to support your nervous system or your immune system!  That is how I stay compliant as a Young living Essential Oil educator!
Think about it...
Using essential oils to squash a symptom…  Are we supposed to squash a symptom?  Why are they happening? My foot,  pain,  deep relief  but  hmmmmm  why why why ...address the why!  Yes there are people who say, Oh I tried that oil,  it didnt work... They gave up on essential oils because they were thinking it was going to be the same thing!  Essential oils are a different process!

Essential oils  assists the body to create what it is supposed to do ..only better…it is not replacing function.  They complement body systems.  They do not replace function or artificially replace function.  This is hugely important!  Medications artifically do things for the body...
Essential oils  boost immunity which help the body ...they are not going to do things for the body.
Example…blood pressure-  meds =   designed to artificially change the body without the bodies permission…  Sometimes it is necessary, like in an emergency! However always keep in mind,   Since it is not getting the bodies permission  it is driving a change that the body cannot regulate!  What could be the FUNCTION that needs support for normal blood pressure? Supporting the lymphatic system? Supporting the nervous system?   Look at the core...  how do we help our bodies at the core  support what our body needs...  so that we need LESS/No medication. 
There are times when there is a place for medication!  But not as often as we are doing it!
The medication does not assist to help the body do anything better…its doing the work artificially for your body.  So take it away and the body still has the issues!
What is a side effect of essential oil=  increase of function even if the symptoms don’t go away right away  ( health of the body will go up because you are decreasing the stress on the body)
Deep relief-  symptom  Putting it on the area that has the sumptom and getting mad that it doesn’t go away instantly.  Sometimes it does...sometimes it can take 4 – 6 months to allow to make a difference…meds designed to make a quick change… Essential oils work with the body,  with your bodies permission to make long term ( along with short term) changes...positive changes!
quick note-  
If you are on medication stay on your medication while starting essential oils!  Give your body time to do what it needs to do. Essential oils help your body function to the best it can...and continues to support all its systems to improve health...working together with your body.

I so appreciate Dr Haggerton and how he explains topics regarding health and wellness....This post was inspired and exerpts taken from one of his periscopes.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Why you need to use Essential oils

Why?  Because  they are gamechangers ( to use, clean your house, use in your food)  When you breathe them in when diffusing,  your body cant help but CHANGE! 
I listened to Dr Haggerton and love the info he talks about...check him out on you tube!
For my own family,  I got stuck in the "what oil will make my symptoms, my sons symptons, etc  go away!"  Of course we all want that... but what I have learned by using essential oils EVERY day is that supporting all the body systems gets the body working the way it is supposed too.  We are shortchanging ourselves and our kids by thinking essential oils are JUST for symptoms!  That makes us always reacting..and what I have learned since my initial journey with my son specifically,  is proactive produces AMAZING results!

Here is why Essential oils are so incredible to use daily so that you are not a sum of your symptoms :)

Essential oils-  Bypass digestion… why is this important?  Probably because our gut is jacked up J   My Gut and ESPECIALLY MY SONS GUT was impacting how his body was responding to the day to day!! 

Essential Oils- are fat soluble.  When you apply them topically they suck into the skin and right to the bloodstream… within seconds…straight into the blood.  Within 20 minutes it gets into your bloodstream, does its thing,  works the frequencies and make the changes in your body.  THAT means if you have something going on…  reapply.  

Essential oils are NOT medication.  The reason you only take a medication once because its an artificial change to the body ( synthetic).  With essential oils you are not artificially changing the body,  you are instead supporting the body to do what it needs to do.  Essential oils support the body back to NORMAL.

Essential oils- Cross the blood brain barrier.  What is that?  BBB is a literally barrier of blood between the body and brain.  IT keeps toxins and junk out so that it does not impact the brain.  The cell particles are so tiny they can impact quicker.
Interesting fact- every sickness can present as a common cold…but IT DEPENDS on how strong your immune system is…  ie Your common cold could be someone elses FLU.  AMAZING!  It really is about staying above the WELLNESS line!

Essential oils- work off of frequencies.  Every single living thing has a different vibration frequency…every cell,  skin compared to liver ..different frequencies.  Because each plant has a different frequency, if you take that and use it on the body,  whatever the frequency is, it matches to create changes in the body to heal.
These frequencies stimulate normal function to allow the body to do what it is supposed to do.  Wow!

Essential oils- are adaptogenic..which means they can change and adapt to what our body needs.  This is one of the main things that separate essential oils from medications.  The oil is a living thing..not an artificial medication.  This is why two people can use the same essential oil with different results because it is adapting to what each body needs!  IMPORTANT  That essential oils are not going to go past what the body needs…up if low down if too much.  Once your body has had enough the body will stop when it has had enough.

Essential oils- Therapy localization meaning- when you are using an oil topically…when you use your hand to touch your body with the oil, when you touch that body it tells your brain to work harder for that spot. Ie  Taking deep relief and putting it on the wrist…the brain says, oh the wrist,  whats wrong with the wrist??  When you put it on you are telling the brain where you want it to work!  EVERY SQUART INCH of skin contains at least 19,000 nerve endings!

Essential oils clean receptor sites so it slows down INFO for the body.  We want the brain to be able to send signals and/or process information!

Essential oils are safe and easy to use.  Try them and if you already have them USE THEM Everyday. You are the scientists in your own home!  YOU Know what is happening with your kids and yourself.    Make 2016 your year of continued health for you and your family!!! 
 Get your own account here and lets get there together!